
Concrete flows fail

Shenzhen is now registered in the register of concrete mixing station 102 , one in 10 is moved to the current stage of mixing station , did not produce . Are produced within 92 concrete mixing station in the investigation of all areas . After overnight testing, sampling 165 sets of samples , 16 samples failed the group , the failure rate of 9.7% ,  soil stabilization plant  rate of 90.3% . A group of 16 samples failed the sample enterprises involved , mixing station 15 , were compelled to stop aging charm rectification.
CCTV reported deal involving Grand Palace garden , big red urban renewal project , the building with a secure financial environment of sand , Hu Jianwen said the three suspected illegal project , failed to comply with the exercise of forced sexual skills scale sand subject to made into a French auditing real evidence.
Certificate search function, 9.7% failing sand  concrete equipment  to stir into concrete, the concrete failing which the flow of the project .Whether the flow of people to build a subway or build ? Hu Jianwen implied need for further verification , and then designate measures to organize the review ; If the concrete has been used in the layout , they have organized Pulling search.


Concrete mixing station and allegedly substandard construction sand inflow

Concrete mixing station and allegedly substandard construction sand flowing into the three projects, the Shenzhen Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau ordered to suspend business for rectification and downtime.
Recently there have been many media exposed the Stabilization Plant real estate irregularities in the construction of buildings use a lot of sand, severe corrosion of steel buildings, resulting in floor cracks, wall cracks, causing public concern.
Shenzhen housing, said the council has asked the district administrative department of construction, municipal and district engineering quality supervision and testing organizations, the completion of the city's concrete mixing stations and build a comprehensive investigation at the site in March 20. It is understood that if the sand through stationary concrete batching plants and meet Chinese standards, can be used to build houses. But without the desalination of sea sand is expressly prohibited.
Media reports in the use of substandard sand in large urban redevelopment projects Okimura Landmark has been suspended on suspicion of concrete products.


Complete Concrete machine products

Inherited " this responsibility , promenade , National Cheng Kung University ," the focus of consideration concept and the " harsh , solid, grow , and innovation" entrepreneurial energy , concrete batching plant manufacturer out every one incident , in order to return the industry , return customers ; always stalemate in "Focus on customers " for the center to the customer consideration for promotion mission, to large customers as partners to create a higher price , without a break to win customers believe and reputation.
Body kits concrete machinery products in the same time build a brand image , but also committed to the promotion of customer satisfaction , "the $ 100 billion world -class , international " approach to cement mixing plant justice agencies, perfect results, the image of the same as a guide , with the burden of the brand contribution, market POW , vehicle trafficking , handling maintenance, spare parts supply and information network channels results, always stalemate " customer-focused " marketing concept , fully implement the "lifetime " experience for the purpose of doing things , try to create the industry 's leading marketing systems.


The city hosted the carpet mixing station

For many real estate CCTV broke Shenzhen illegal construction of buildings in the exercise of a large number of sea sand , severe corruption of steel structures , resulting in floor cracks , wall showing the gap regarding the Shenzhen Bureau of Housing and achievements , responded that the group has created 10 searches mixing station in the city organized by carpet investigation , and to convene a meeting fame environment arising from either party in the evening .
Others, coherent parties involved here is to take over the media when interviewed hinted that the company is working on internal aspects of the current observations matter and 15 will be the afternoon of the meeting 's results for this report do coherent fame fame . Concrete batching plant : "In the build pioneering achievements in the sand does exercise , but all evidence of coherent delineation of sand held coherent processing reward and punishment , and the treatment process is not perfect reward and punishment is a long held at the site , so the company deal with the CCTV report said Shanghai water from washing sand site can not be fully confirmed that the company needed after the internal observer outside the formal ready mix concrete plant talent . "
It is worth noting that in the CCTV reporter on the 14th again when the concrete plant , concrete Incident manual clear noted , do not promise to use sea sand , so there is no point used sand , but mining in West River, East River , Pearl River and other places in the sand . And when the situation calls again after a reporter asked him , being to love the staff and the sand is sand , both said the driver .  


Stabilized Soil Base

Refers to the use of lime , cement, fly ash and other materials in conjunction with soil, gravel or other aggregate, ready mix concrete plant, paving, compaction from the road base .
Lime stabilized soil will be mixed with lime powder or lime powder crushed or original people of various loose soil, after mixing , compaction and curing the resulting mixture, known as lime stabilized soil . It includes limestone soil, gravel and lime stabilized soil, lime gravel soil. Lime stabilized soil with a certain strength and water resistance . Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant as a basis for building and road pavement ground cushion grassroots .