
portable concrete plant alleviate pollution

Thus , the vehicle especially the " yellow car " exhaust pollution , but also one of the main factors of the city's atmospheric environmental quality . Control vehicle exhaust pollution, especially precast plant the elimination of " yellow car " The pace has become an important measure to improve urban air quality , protect public health. This year , the city will take financial incentives to encourage the " yellow car " early retirement . Before the end of the year , plans to phase out " yellow cars " 30000 ( State 0 containing at least 15,000 heavy-duty diesel vehicles ) , 16,000 tons of nitrogen batch plants for sale . Since May 1 this year , to reach the mandatory retirement conditions for motor vehicles in use , be mandatory retirement ; timely expansion of the scope of the limit line , " yellow car " and " non -standard vehicle" prohibited from entering the ring road driving.


Gravel accurate specifications and delivery notes

February 2011 , the project department use winter break to organize preparation, preparation staff to implement three groups of shift system , room and board room in the pound . Allocations member said: "plant concrete is the wrong venue at night unloading gravel ." Gravel specifications and delivery notes to confirm the accuracy of their average per capita daily vehicle inspection expected to climb hundreds of times , and calloused hands . In temperatures of minus 30 degrees Celsius , often busy sweaty . When the source stationary concrete batching plants, preparation altogether Anza staff in more than 100 kilometers away Erlongshan yard , and suppliers playing the " war of words ", " battle fatigue " , described ran their legs off , racking up tongue.


Provincial Governor

Provincial Governor Liu Weiping emphasized as an important part of the redevelopment project traffic Zhouqu reconstruction , has a pivotal role in the overall reconstruction effort , ready mix concrete plants units should cherish deep feelings of people in disaster areas , threw himself into the project construction, reconstruction projects effectively fight the traffic caused by pilot Zhouqu reconstruction projects for the benefit of people in disaster areas . Provincial Department of Transportation stationary batch plant Yong moderate leadership is more numerous in-depth inspection and guidance Zhouqu disaster traffic reconstruction work required to ensure that the post-disaster reconstruction traffic quality, safety , schedule coordinated manner.


When the structure of cement stabilized soil layer construction

When the structure of cement stabilized soil layer construction , shall comply with the following provisions:
( 1 ) should be as clod crushing clods maximum size should not exceed 15mm.
( 2 ) the ingredients should be accurate .
Construction ( 3 ) should be paving way process cement mix evenly .
( 4 ) should be strictly  Wet mix plant  base thickness and elevation , its road humps cross slope should be consistent with the surface layer .
( 5 ) should be at or slightly larger than the optimum moisture content ( when the weather is hot and dry , concrete mixing plant , grass mixes can be as large 1% to 2% ) performed in the mix when rolling until the following by heavy compaction test method determine the degree of  concrete mixer plant  requirements ( minimum requirements ) .
( 6 ) watering , mixing evenly .
After the contents of the above description is stable construction requirements for soil mixing station , we saw the contents of the above , and has stabilized soil mixing station to have a lot of understanding of it , in fact, is already in our lives without it a .