
Concrete flows fail

Shenzhen is now registered in the register of concrete mixing station 102 , one in 10 is moved to the current stage of mixing station , did not produce . Are produced within 92 concrete mixing station in the investigation of all areas . After overnight testing, sampling 165 sets of samples , 16 samples failed the group , the failure rate of 9.7% ,  soil stabilization plant  rate of 90.3% . A group of 16 samples failed the sample enterprises involved , mixing station 15 , were compelled to stop aging charm rectification.
CCTV reported deal involving Grand Palace garden , big red urban renewal project , the building with a secure financial environment of sand , Hu Jianwen said the three suspected illegal project , failed to comply with the exercise of forced sexual skills scale sand subject to made into a French auditing real evidence.
Certificate search function, 9.7% failing sand  concrete equipment  to stir into concrete, the concrete failing which the flow of the project .Whether the flow of people to build a subway or build ? Hu Jianwen implied need for further verification , and then designate measures to organize the review ; If the concrete has been used in the layout , they have organized Pulling search.


Concrete mixing station and allegedly substandard construction sand inflow

Concrete mixing station and allegedly substandard construction sand flowing into the three projects, the Shenzhen Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau ordered to suspend business for rectification and downtime.
Recently there have been many media exposed the Stabilization Plant real estate irregularities in the construction of buildings use a lot of sand, severe corrosion of steel buildings, resulting in floor cracks, wall cracks, causing public concern.
Shenzhen housing, said the council has asked the district administrative department of construction, municipal and district engineering quality supervision and testing organizations, the completion of the city's concrete mixing stations and build a comprehensive investigation at the site in March 20. It is understood that if the sand through stationary concrete batching plants and meet Chinese standards, can be used to build houses. But without the desalination of sea sand is expressly prohibited.
Media reports in the use of substandard sand in large urban redevelopment projects Okimura Landmark has been suspended on suspicion of concrete products.


Complete Concrete machine products

Inherited " this responsibility , promenade , National Cheng Kung University ," the focus of consideration concept and the " harsh , solid, grow , and innovation" entrepreneurial energy , concrete batching plant manufacturer out every one incident , in order to return the industry , return customers ; always stalemate in "Focus on customers " for the center to the customer consideration for promotion mission, to large customers as partners to create a higher price , without a break to win customers believe and reputation.
Body kits concrete machinery products in the same time build a brand image , but also committed to the promotion of customer satisfaction , "the $ 100 billion world -class , international " approach to cement mixing plant justice agencies, perfect results, the image of the same as a guide , with the burden of the brand contribution, market POW , vehicle trafficking , handling maintenance, spare parts supply and information network channels results, always stalemate " customer-focused " marketing concept , fully implement the "lifetime " experience for the purpose of doing things , try to create the industry 's leading marketing systems.


The city hosted the carpet mixing station

For many real estate CCTV broke Shenzhen illegal construction of buildings in the exercise of a large number of sea sand , severe corruption of steel structures , resulting in floor cracks , wall showing the gap regarding the Shenzhen Bureau of Housing and achievements , responded that the group has created 10 searches mixing station in the city organized by carpet investigation , and to convene a meeting fame environment arising from either party in the evening .
Others, coherent parties involved here is to take over the media when interviewed hinted that the company is working on internal aspects of the current observations matter and 15 will be the afternoon of the meeting 's results for this report do coherent fame fame . Concrete batching plant : "In the build pioneering achievements in the sand does exercise , but all evidence of coherent delineation of sand held coherent processing reward and punishment , and the treatment process is not perfect reward and punishment is a long held at the site , so the company deal with the CCTV report said Shanghai water from washing sand site can not be fully confirmed that the company needed after the internal observer outside the formal ready mix concrete plant talent . "
It is worth noting that in the CCTV reporter on the 14th again when the concrete plant , concrete Incident manual clear noted , do not promise to use sea sand , so there is no point used sand , but mining in West River, East River , Pearl River and other places in the sand . And when the situation calls again after a reporter asked him , being to love the staff and the sand is sand , both said the driver .  


Stabilized Soil Base

Refers to the use of lime , cement, fly ash and other materials in conjunction with soil, gravel or other aggregate, ready mix concrete plant, paving, compaction from the road base .
Lime stabilized soil will be mixed with lime powder or lime powder crushed or original people of various loose soil, after mixing , compaction and curing the resulting mixture, known as lime stabilized soil . It includes limestone soil, gravel and lime stabilized soil, lime gravel soil. Lime stabilized soil with a certain strength and water resistance . Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant as a basis for building and road pavement ground cushion grassroots .


Concrete mixing station, also known as concrete mixing station

Concrete mixing station consists of material storage system, material weighing system, material handling systems, mixing console and electrical control systems and other ancillary facilities constituted. Where mixing console and electric control system is the key equipment package core part. Concrete mixing plants, also known as concrete mixing plant concrete mixing plant mainly by the mixing console, material weighing system, material handling systems, material storage systems and control systems and other five major systems and other ancillary facilities into. Since F aggregate ready mix concrete plant and metering station aggregate reduction compared to four intermediate links, and is a vertical cutting measure, saving measurement time, thus greatly improving the efficiency of production, the same type of case, the mixing ratio of production efficiency mixing plant production efficiency third.


Continuous gradation mixing floor

On the one hand the measurement of aggregate and transport feed efficiency is low, resulting in a mixing efficiency of the actual production is less than the theoretical value ; the other hand, aggregate , ready mix concrete plant cement into the mixer while stirring the instantaneous mixing exerted pressure on the host , mixing uniformity affected to a certain extent , these two drawbacks has restricted the traditional mixing station to enhance mixing efficiency and quality. Continuous gradation Concrete mixing plants upstairs ingredients used alone weighed in the form of reduced aggregate metering and transport time ; while using secondary feeding method, which is to put cement, sand , water, admixtures, after short mixing a few seconds , then put aggregate grain stone , making stirring time without affecting the premise , to effectively improve the concrete homogeneity .


construction machinery development benefits

China Construction Machinery Industry Association Secretary Suzi Meng believes that the state will be started urbanization development in China's construction machinery good news , mainly for infrastructure construction is expected to be the beneficiaries of Concrete batching plant , which , with the industry 's leading technology companies is expected to be opportunities. In his view, Zoomlion 101 meters of carbon fiber applications in the construction boom pump successful , will drive China concrete pump technology upgrade of conventional products , a series of chain reactions based on technology upgrades , help among the world's leading Chinese concrete mix plant leading phalanx, as China construction ( 601,668 , stock it ) the life span of years to provide technical support threshold .


demand to support the development of agricultural machinery industry

With the second half of urban infrastructure and agricultural development of the industry demand for support , a small proportion of digging trend is expected to be improved. Stationary conacrete plant other varieties of construction machinery , according to the dealer's research, concrete machinery demand is still sluggish , some delays in infrastructure projects exist on the new machine sales negatively affected, and crane sales volume is expected to decline about 10% , monthly sales growth continued to be in the truck the positive region .
As engineering machinery, power plant , engine sales performance also reflects to some extent the development of construction machinery . According to China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association latest statistics show that in July the country to complete stationary concrete batching plant engine sold 4,875,800 units, up 8.79 percent , a decline of 4.22% , the cumulative increase of 6.85% due July weather comes high , companies will release " high false " , resulting in decreased sales of the chain , but compared to last year, industry market steadily.


key polluting enterprises to strengthen

Strengthen key polluting enterprises supervision. Implementation of the person responsible for ensuring 11 state-controlled sources and 35 provincial control key sources of emissions control facilities run well, emissions standards. China Resources thermoelectric , thermoelectric , etc. 9 Jinshan involving large coal-fired electricity implement feasible measures to reduce emissions temporary drop charge . Concrete batching plant of Shen , Jin Bilan chemical and other 64 key enterprise risk doing investigation to ensure safe operation standards . Starting in July , Shen Jin Bilan of related products and concrete mix plant chemical substances to stop the production, transport and use. Take to prevent black phenomenon, black smoke hazard may exist 72 units in a 24-hour control .


Concrete cost reduction

The bottom line cost reduction resulting in mass concrete has been a breakthrough on the one hand is the environmental pressure and excess capacity , increased competition in the industry status quo , are forcing companies must upgrade the concrete , only transformation and upgrading, it may be in the rising market concentration Concrete batching plant market on a cost advantage to seize market opportunities , seize advantage to differentiate high-end market segments , in the new round of the jungle , out of the integration process , and achieved status of the industry , to achieve large-scale development . Concrete strength and durability targets main material is sand and concrete mix plant, we all know, the aggregate level with the "minimum gap " principle, can be achieved with less amount of cement and sand , especially in the high-speed rail applications such as high-performance concrete to reduce the amount of cement , but will increase the durability of the concrete life of a hundred years to really standard .


Press the gas supply fails

Air compressor failures are: non-return valve is damaged, badly worn piston rings , inlet valve is damaged and air filter blockage.
To determine whether the non-return valve damage , just ten seconds after the compressor automatically shut down , turn off the power , the hand plate moving large belt wheel , if can more easily turn a week , Concrete mixing plants valve is not damaged ; the contrary, non-return valve is damaged; Further, the pressure switch from automatic exhaust vent below the case to be judged , in general , after the air compressor should be shut down automatically after about ten seconds to stop the exhaust , If you have been in the exhaust until the compressor starts again when to stop , precast concrete plant valve is damaged, must be replaced .
When the pressure of the air compressor oil rises slowly and accompanied by string phenomenon that has been severely worn piston ring compressor , should be replaced.


Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau

Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau , Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau to strengthen its duties detergency gasoline and diesel vehicles , vehicle NOx reductant and production of oil quality supervision.
Concrete mixing plants Protection Bureau annual inspection and sampling tests led oil storage facilities , gas stations and oil and gas recovery tankers less than 30,000 times ; promote the implementation of more than 5,000 tons oil and gas recovery line monitoring renovation project ; 2013-2014 to carry out oil and gas filling stations online monitoring of research and pilot recovered in 2015 to promote the implementation . Main measures and time nodes: 2013 ban on new research to develop the city , precast concrete plant industrial project directory , 2014 promulgated. If necessary, every 2-3 years to be updated. In principle prohibiting the construction of iron and steel, cement , coke, non-ferrous metal smelting, aluminum , glass , calcium carbide , ferroalloy, bitumen membrane high energy consumption, high pollution projects , no general construction labor-intensive manufacturing projects .


Metal smelting equipment growth conditions

Machinery and equipment performance has been divided , metal smelting equipment situation is significantly better than the growth in packaging and feed equipment . According to Bureau of Statistics data show that in July of metal smelting equipment production was 77,000 tons , an increase of 31.4% , the growth rate down 0.4 percentage points from the previous month , but the overall level is still high . July packaging equipment production was 8965 units, an increase of 8.5% , the chain fell 5.9% , down slightly from last month to expand. July feed production equipment 31,000 units , Concrete batching plant , down a row in March to expand. Construction machinery industry this year has been a weak recovery trend , in July as the off-season , sales are also not much improvement. According to the latest statistics Industry Association , July 28 major manufacturers of excavators excavators 6351 units were sold , an increase of 8 % growth rate in June rose 7.4 percentage points from batch mixing plant cumulative sales of 75,305 units excavator industry , down 10.88 percent , a decline trend was improving . Ring than in July fell 24 percent excavators , meet seasonal characteristics , but has narrowed down over the previous March , the emergence of this improvement is mainly driven by sales of foreign brands in the last month due.


Maintenance and quality assurance of

Machinery repair and maintenance . Including the warranty period free of maintenance and quality assurance are outside.Compensation for service. The current industry trend is from the engineering machinery and equipment maintenance steering periodic maintenance ,Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant and maintenance of both, maximizing extend equipment life , adding value to our customers through service. 2 rental service leasing market is facing great opportunities : First, mechanical equipment required for the works Prepare varieties increased , shorter duration , lease equipment costs than enterprises occupy low ; Second , leasing can avoid Free introduction and stationary concrete batching plant equipment due cycles technical risks ; Third, hire purchasing the enterprise week Turn more flexible, while avoiding the effects of inflation , reducing investment risk.


Failure of oil-water separator

Regulator fault with the "valve failure" identical.
Lubricator fault phenomenon: no drop of oil deposited on the bottom of the oil cup water, oil cup seal failures. Concrete batching plant does not drip, check the inlet gas flow rate is below the fog flow, leaks, clogged fuel adjustment needle, etc.; if the oil cup bottom sediment moisture, should be immediately removed; when seal is damaged, should be replaced.Leaking pipe joints and hose rupture up to judge the sound leak from the site, should be promptly repaired or replaced; if there is accumulating condensate pipeline, it shall promptly drained, is characterized by condensed water in batch mixing plant winter, easy to knot Ice and clogging gas.
Compressed air processing components (triplets) faults are: oil and water separator failure, regulator and lubricator failure.
Failure of oil-water separator is divided into, filter clogging, breakage, drain valve moving parts moving parts is not flexible and so on. Work should always clean the filter, remove sewage and impurities inside the oil.


advantages of concrete mixing station

1 high reliability of concrete mixing standing after ten years of development , the development process is the introduction - digestion - some domestic - all homemade - improvements to improve . Stationary conacrete plant concrete company for production of 10,000 cubic meters of concrete is normal , and its key components such as hosts, screw machine , the main control and pneumatic components performance has been fairly stable, such as the mixing blades using a unique high-chromium alloy wear-resistant high manganese material , shaft bearings and seals form a unique multi-sealed or hermetic , greatly enhancing the host's reliability. Often impacted on , precast concrete plant, such as in discharge hopper , wear-resistant steel transition bucket , etc. to strengthen in the interior portion ; ring belt vulcanizing adhesive joints , riveting life than ordinary steel increased by 3 times, which is to ensure that reliable high prerequisite.


Ceramic block production line

A variety of initiatives to make Huzhou new wall out of a " turning waste into treasure," green , eco- development. Concrete batching plant , stone tailings lakes silt, sewage sludge , etc. are used in the production of new wall materials . New material is a ceramic block production line put into operation this year, a new production line of new wall materials , the production line using the sewage treatment plant sludge and fly ash as raw materials , the development of new energy-saving light ceramic blocks ; batch mixing plant the use of sewage treatment plant sludge production and building mines fired brick ; new wall use of construction waste soil, replace part of the development of shale fired brick .


Check whether Yuncheng normal mixer

Mixing station staff must be trained in pre-service, can be trained to master the mixer performance, serious and responsible work;  mixing station staff are technically under the guidance of the laboratory work, shall be required in accordance with the laboratory to do, and to actively cooperate with the laboratory work, a good grasp of raw materials entering the hurdle: the approach of all the sand, stone Stationary conacrete plant chamber in addition, each mixing station Members of each car rewinding gravel material in the visual approach is abnormal, the laboratory must be notified to come and after laboratory confirmation consent before unloading, to eliminate substandard aggregate approach;  concrete mixing former staff first check whether Yuncheng normal blender to confirm normal operation can be carried out after the concrete mixing;  concrete mixing and staff must be strictly in accordance with the laboratory provides concrete construction for precast concrete plant alone, not free to change, if found, the first time for persuasion and education, and the second for a fine deal, the third clear mixing station;  with the ratio adjustment, concrete mixing process due to material changes or other reasons.


Concrete machinery industry environment

Especially for concrete machinery industry environment do not know when to get out disorderly development and vicious competition dilemma. Some marketers have even expressed great dissatisfaction and anger. Almost went, Concrete mixing plants size enterprises, are that we should cherish the good times to pay for our opportunity and our responsibility, especially in some large enterprises. Since reform and opening up in recent years, the rapid development of the country is a world projects, stimulating and facilitating the rapid development of construction machinery. Most entrepreneurs can lead to snobbery, to explore and develop the Chinese market and non-market pull Europe and America, in time to meet the market demand. Also, China's precast concrete plant machinery industry significantly enhance the ability of integrated innovation, global sourcing foundation engineering machinery parts and components makes the performance quality has reached world advanced level.

Concrete machinery industry play to their strengths

History and reality have proved that big is not necessarily strong, strong necessarily big boss fight, the first fight often hidden behind the extreme irresponsibility, a departure from the national interests of the nation as the most important principle. Concrete batching plant be based on their real corporate culture, innovative spirit, the concept of humanity, for the country and the industry developed products suitable for the market demand, in the fierce competitive market share in a harmonious state funding bonus desire to develop their own development strategies and policies, can not eat magic to fight doping in orders, and highly praised by users. In the development of the self, for the industry to provide the basic components for the industry and the national industrial development bedding. Such entrepreneurs and batch mixing plant will naturally get industry recognition and respect, naturally become a benchmark role model, relying on self-sealing crown is to maintain near.


Concrete or steel construction

Many ground surface using fine granite , not only slip when walking foot feeling is also very good . In the United States a number of important public buildings , but also more use of white marble with a similar white stone for exterior finishes , usually with fine faceted stones , very beautiful , stones vary in size , with white silicon rubber pointing.
Stationary conacrete plant public buildings foyer , hall, entrance designed to use more large diameter cylinder, these cylinders are generally used colorful decorative stone, some as high as 8 ~ 9m, and hard to find patchwork . With stone sculpture in the country but also for the more common , especially in some important large-scale tour project. In short, from the United States in recent years, the development trend of architectural point of view, concrete mixer machine ( especially full glass curtain wall ) has been dwindling , stone finishes are continuously increasing. From the stone finishes of view, frame or steel reinforced concrete construction , the use of external walls with precast stone veneer siding more .


construction machinery construction work environment

Construction machinery construction work environment is more severe , than the sparsely populated remote mountainous areas, is to build Building sites , landfills , and other national key projects , focusing on models, verification teams Caine
Concrete batching plant tracking verification, room and board are located in the device test site . " Mohe experimental base " ground At China 's northernmost Mohe County , the annual average temperature of -5 ℃. Even in April when spring
Mohe is still minus 20-degree cold , bleak , wind up to eight . SD52-5 In China 's northernmost Mohe County, industrial test , verify staff long-term tracking verification,As SD52-5 bulky, body weight, while the right side has three times the final drive repair the damage to be overhauled .
Fieldwork electricity shortage and lack of basic tooling , maintenance, operation is very difficult. Surface On the difficulties batch mixing plant teamwork , with the most rudimentary equipment, such as rods , nuts , etc., to make
As a substitute for air gun tool to solve the problem of removing the bolt ; using loaders, excavators instead of driving Exploded ...... In the process, at least 60-80 tons of press, but subject to conditions ,All resolved only by human , so often there will be a few people hanging in the air , demolished by its own weight Unloading bolt scenes.


Blender foundation bearing capacity

 For ease of testing samples from the silo should set up a dedicated sampling port; in order to ensure safety, lightning protection devices must be located at the top of the silo. To ensure safety, must be precast concrete plant bearing capacity silos and mixers for field tests, such as bearing capacity can not meet the silos and mixers foundation bearing capacity requirements, you need to fill the foundation for change process.mixer should be set at least two cement silos, a fly ash silo, a slag silos. Stationary conacrete plant the powder inside the silo arch plugs, silo should have broken arch; mixing station site in order to improve the working environment, to cement silo breeze requirements dust, top of the silo should be automatic cleaning equipment; In order to detect cement cement silo storage capacity silo material level indicator should be set; powder for monitoring the temperature inside the silo, silos should be set within a temperature sensor.


construction machinery construction work environment

Construction machinery construction work environment is more severe , than the sparsely populated remote mountainous areas, is to build Building sites , landfills , and other national key projects , focusing on models, verification teams Caine
Concrete batching plant tracking verification, room and board are located in the device test site . " Mohe experimental base " ground At China 's northernmost Mohe County , the annual average temperature of -5 ℃. Even in April when spring
Mohe is still minus 20-degree cold , bleak , wind up to eight . SD52-5 In China 's northernmost Mohe County, industrial test , verify staff long-term tracking verification,As SD52-5 bulky, body weight, while the right side has three times the final drive repair the damage to be overhauled .
Fieldwork electricity shortage and lack of basic tooling , maintenance, operation is very difficult. Surface On the difficulties batch mixing plant teamwork , with the most rudimentary equipment, such as rods , nuts , etc., to make
As a substitute for air gun tool to solve the problem of removing the bolt ; using loaders, excavators instead of driving Exploded ...... In the process, at least 60-80 tons of press, but subject to conditions ,All resolved only by human , so often there will be a few people hanging in the air , demolished by its own weight Unloading bolt scenes.


concrete pump charm of the latest technology

Concrete Machinery fifth leg of the national tour event . Witnessed a series of high-end truck 's style and brilliant latest technology . Feel the charm of concrete pump latest technology ! Concrete mixing plants by forceful music, concrete machinery tour Lanzhou station officially begun. First, a majestic documentaries , allowing customers clearer, deeper understanding of Zoomlion of development. Erected a blue banner , research institutes and companies from institutional innovation has taken a first step begins , and through continuous research and development , exploration and innovation, its continuous accumulation and growth, the ultimate success of stationary concrete batching plant construction machinery industry from the monopoly of foreign companies to stand , rise . Especially in the past two years , has launched 80 m carbon fiber boom pump truck boom and the creation of a world record of 101 meters length pump , which marks the concrete machinery in the world has been standing at the forefront of technology .


Fixed electrical transformers and other equipment

Technical measures and electrical fire prevention measures. By the relevant departments of audit and technical director for approval and implementation.  distribution room (chamber), transformers and other electrical equipment located fixed barriers or safety mesh fence, height of not less than 2.5m, should set clear prohibition, warning signs, signs of the production and installation should follow the "Concrete mixing plants and civilized construction project site sign "- Iron ban 5, Tiejing 1 and 16 requirements.  should be consistent with the existing temporary power "construction site temporary electrical safety technical specifications" (JGJ46) requirements. Project dedicated power neutral point directly grounded 220/380V low voltage electrical precast concrete plant be used to protect access to zero TN-S system, and to do three power distribution protection and two "one machine, one box a gate-drain."  Power operating personnel must be certified, according to the provisions worn properly, the use of labor protection products.


Compulsory mixer structure is divided into the spindle by planetary mixer

Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant is divided into the spindle by planetary mixer, a single horizontal shaft mixer and twin-shaft mixer. And especially in the twin-shaft compulsory mixer integrated use of best performance.
Concrete mixing plant material storage system consists of materials, material weighing system, material handling systems, mixing system, powder storage system, powder conveying systems, powder metering systems, water and additive metering systems and control systems and other five major systems composition and other ancillary facilities.
Mixing console mixing their way into forced mixing and self-fall mixing. Compulsory mixer is used for precast concrete plant abroad mainstream, it can stir liquid, semi-rigid and rigid variety of dry concrete. Since the fall mixing console main mix fluidity concrete, rarely used in the mixing station.


Color pressure composite plate and insulation materials

Plate crest height of 15-130mm, plate width 600-900mm ( effective width ) , length determined by need . Roof structure consists of light beams, purlins composition, plate and purlins with screw anchor approach. Color pressure composite panels can also be used in combination with insulation materials , thickness is generally 0.6-1.5mm, its peaks and veneer almost, about 1m width , length determined according to demand . Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant layers from top to bottom : Color -pressure composite board mineral wool a foil + + + silencer steel mesh cloth + aluminum honeycomb + + lightweight steel beams purlins . Board and the board , the board and ready mix concrete plant with screw anchor approach. There's hierarchical structure is relatively simple approach to color -pressure composite board - mineral wool + aluminum foil - + roof purlins .

Arm mounted concrete pump truck

Construction machinery on land, there are many models that work with a car chassis to install the device refitted, such as: cranes, truck mounted crane, concrete mixer truck, concrete pump truck boom frame, truck-mounted concrete pump . Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant  is actually adapted from the works dedicated ship, so exactly defined, should be called engineering vessels, as water engineering construction equipment for operations in inland and ocean above. Also the type of ship construction are more functional use and land-based construction machinery like. For example, the land on excavators, sea have dredger; land with cranes, crane at sea there (commonly known as the floating crane); land with hammers, offshore boats are piling; land there Pipelayers, sea have Lifting pipelay vessel; concrete mixing stations on land, at sea with stationary concrete batching plant; land on flatbed trailers and offshore tugs and barges have; There are also some special-purpose engineering vessels, such as fishing boats, fire boats, icebreakers , tender (supply of fuel and fresh water), shipwreck lifeboat, research ships, boats and military engineering cabling vessels.

Advanced concrete mixing vessel

Unlike terrestrial ship batching mixing station, hull material measurement stability and accuracy is one of the main difficulties.
Concrete batching plant the most advanced concrete mixing vessel. This is thirty-one response to the national maritime strategy towards marine engineering machinery segment important step.
In recent years, with the national infrastructure continues to expand, more and more high degree of mechanization of construction, concrete mix plant site also vary widely, such as the harnessing of rivers, construction of bridges, harbor construction, expanding the scale of construction, construction site constantly from land extend to offshore, making the amount of concrete poured in the water greatly increased.

The rapid development of concrete machinery

Especially for concrete machinery industry environment do not know when to get out disorderly development and vicious competition dilemma. Some marketers have even expressed great dissatisfaction and anger. Almost went, regardless of size enterprises, are that we should cherish the good times to pay for our opportunity and our responsibility, especially in some large enterprises. Concrete mixing plants and opening up in recent years, the rapid development of the country is a world projects, stimulating and facilitating the rapid development of construction machinery. Most entrepreneurs can lead to snobbery, to explore and develop the Chinese market and non-market pull Europe and precast concrete plant, in time to meet the market demand. Also, China's construction machinery industry significantly enhance the ability of integrated innovation, global sourcing foundation engineering machinery parts and components makes the performance quality has reached world advanced level.

Concrete machinery formulate their own development strategies

 The model should be based on their real corporate culture, innovative spirit, the concept of humanity, Stationary conacrete plant and the industry developed products suitable for the market demand, in the fierce competitive market share in a harmonious state funding bonus desire to develop their own development strategies and policies, can not eat magic to fight doping in orders, and highly praised by users. In the development of the self, for the industry to provide the basic components for the industry and the national batch mixing plant bedding. Such entrepreneurs and their enterprises will naturally get industry recognition and respect, naturally become a benchmark role model, relying on self-sealing crown is to maintain near.

PVC production Panwa

Co-extruded PVC foam sandwich Panwa production, use in the country has just begun, due to the production of high efficiency , reliable quality, appropriate price , beautiful appearance, the sudden emergence of the roofing material . Like the shape of one kinds of wavelet asbestos , the length may be determined ; another shape similar to the shape of the tile with Concrete batching plant , determined in the width , the length may be determined according to need , the color can be varied . Light texture, good toughness, impact resistance , foam uniform , smooth surface , with planing, nailing , sawing, concrete mix plant, both thermoplastic molding equipment available for secondary processing ; weathering , corrosion , UV resistant, waterproof , insulation, fire-retardant , insulation, heat insulation , easy installation and construction .

PVC sheet

Shock resistance ( up 1200kj/m2), as an ordinary polyvinyl chloride sheet more than 2 times ; force test anti-hail stone diameter 30mm, not broken ; 50kg heavy sandbag test, able to withstand high 120cm ( thickness 1.2mm); in -30oc cryogenic conditions of use ; transmission concrete mixer machine reach 90% ( after 10 years to maintain the initial 80% ) ; 10 years after the impact force > 900kJ/m2; bending impact resistance > 500kJ/m2 ; resistant to corrosion from atmospheric , chemical reagents against rain, snow and will not be swallowed biology ; retardant properties , is a flame retardant materials .Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant PVC board is divided into two kinds of colored and colorless . Can be used for large public buildings , industrial plants , stadiums, flower cultivation and aquaculture greenhouse greenhouses , shelters , gazebos and other roof waterproofing ; also be used for indoor wall , soundproof walls, security shed hood , house wall , fence , separated wall partitions , site safety barriers and tunnels .

using two component spray foam

Rigid foam polyurethane spray foam and composite -site prefabricated both methods. Spray foam spray when using two components in the confluence , immediately reacted polyurethane foam , this method can be used for a lot of foam . Not suitable foam case of composite panels can be prefabricated , the gap between the plates can be filled with foam foam gun , the effect is also very good. Biaxial stretching refers to a specific heat, the PVC sheets in two directions perpendicular to each other at 100 % elongation , the PVC sheet molecular chain has been re- ordered arrangement ,Concrete mixing plants molecular cohesion increasing significantly improved the plate a variety of physical and mechanical properties. In the stretch before the first UV layer co-extruded with PVC layer , precast concrete plant oriented process, which ensures UV protection layer uniform, dense coverage of the surface of the plate , but also fully integrated with PVC layer . This process overcomes the ordinary polyvinyl chloride sheet strength and durability in areas of weakness , became high quality materials.


Concrete mixing equipment

Concrete batching plant station is operated by the ingredients, mixing, electrical control, etc. Part automatic concrete mixing equipment. It is suitable for medium-More than the size of the building site, precast concrete factory and commodity production plant.Its main features are: the use of modular structure, the whole installation, relocation of ten Points convenient, low equipment cost. Host using JS2000A type twin-shaft Forced concrete mixer, mixing good quality and high efficiency. Aggregate Using batching machine ingredients, measurement accuracy, high production efficiency. Cement, Water, liquid admixture of the ingredients were measured using electronic scales, batch mixing plant. Water supply system uses siphon pump pressure principle, the water flow rate plus Fast, spray evenly, the structural principle has obtained national patent. Aggregate On the material used conveyor, long life, high efficiency. Electric Control systems are all using imported components, reliable performance, operation side Then.

Concrete mixing station only has excellent mixing console

Concrete mixing station only has excellent mixing console, it also has a variety of fine Liang accessories, such as screw conveyor, metering sensors, pneumatic components, etc., which These components ensure the concrete mixing standing high reliability during operation, Concrete mixing plants measurement of skills, and long life. Meanwhile, the concrete The mixing station maintenance parts are equipped to go Taiwan or seizure ladder, and has sufficient Maneuvering space, mixing console can be equipped with high-pressure automatic cleaning system, with Function starvation and over-temperature alarm function, easy maintenance of equipment.
Concrete mixing station has a good environmental performance, the machine during operation, Powder manipulating the system are carried out in the whole block, pink tank with efficient dust ready mix concrete plant blowing methods greatly reduce dust pollution of the environment, while mixed Concrete mixing station for unloading equipment and pneumatic systems are used exhaust muffler Effectively reducing the noise pollution.

Concrete mixing station since

Concrete mixing station since been put into use in China's building materials industry Has played an important role, of course, this is also the concrete mixing station itself Possess superior characteristics of the decision.
Concrete mixing station consists of sand and gravel feed, powder feed, water and applied Agent to the material, transport and storage of four parts mixing equipment Stationary conacrete plant Steel casting, high-quality H-beam is not only beautiful appearance, but also strengthened Concrete mixing station's overall structural strength, equipment, easy to install, can be applied In a variety of complex terrain structure.
Concrete mixing station with good mixing performance, the device uses double spiral Horizontal shaft forced mixing console, precast concrete plant strong not only for dry hard, Plastic and various proportions of the concrete mix can achieve good results.

Concrete mixing station building materials manufacturing

Concrete mixing station is operated by mixing console, material weighing system, material handling Systems, material storage systems, control systems and other components of the system attached to the five Is a facility consisting of building materials manufacturing equipment, its working principle is the main Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant material, the gravel, lime, precast concrete plant materials for blending Stir together, and finally made into concrete, as students put into the building wall materials Production. Concrete mixing station since been put into use in China's building materials industry Has played an important role, of course, this is also the concrete mixing station itself Possess superior characteristics of the decision.

The composition of material transport

Aggregate conveying: mixing station conveyor belt conveyor with hopper conveyor and two ways. To enhance the advantages of the hopper small footprint, simple structure. Concrete batching plant The advantage of conveying distance, high efficiency, low failure rate. The main conveyor belt To apply for a temporary position in the aggregate mixing station, mixing station to improve the hygiene Yield.
Powder conveying: Concrete available powder is mainly cement, fly ash and mineral Powder. Powder commonly used method of transport is conveying screw conveyor, a large Mixing with the use of pneumatic concrete mix plant and transporting scraper. The advantage of the screw conveyor Simple structure, low cost and reliable.
Liquid transport mainly refers to water and liquid admixtures, which are respectively output by the pump Sent.

concrete production costs related

Materials weighing system is affecting the quality of concrete and concrete production costs related Key components, divided into aggregate weighing, powder and liquid weighing weighing three Points.
Concrete mixing plants circumstances, less than 20 cubic meters per hour, mixing station using stacked Plus weighing methods, precast concrete plant (sand, stone) with a scale, cement and coal With a gray scale, water and liquid admixtures were weighed, and the liquid outside Additives put into the bucket of water, said pre-mixed.

Batching and mixing difference

Concrete mixing plant is used to centrally mixed concrete joint device, and Said precast concrete field. Because of its mechanization, high degree of automation, Therefore, productivity is high, and to ensure the quality of concrete and cement savings, Concrete mixing plants in concrete construction volume, long duration, site concentration of large, medium Type of water, electricity, bridges and other projects. With the development of municipal construction, mining Stir with a focus on providing commercial concrete mixing station has a great location, And thus rapid development, and to promote concrete pumping construction, real Now stirring, transport, pouring mechanical joint operation to create the conditions.
Batching and mixing difference: concrete mix plant capacity, structural Easy installation, can be composed of container transfer sites suitable for construction works are Field; mixing large volume, high productivity, only as a stationary mixing Devices for large hydraulic works or production of large commercial concrete supply.

Construction machinery industry service competition era

" Construction machinery industry has entered the era of service competition , the quality of services related to business life and death exist Death , foreign countries such as Germany, Belgium , Japan and the United States, some well-known construction machinery enterprises are invariably Has a powerful and complete industrial chain, marketing, and after-sales service and other sectors to build a good Profit model , the formation of the advantages of sustainable development , it is worth learning . "Stationary conacrete plant expert on the industry Advice. In fact , the current construction machinery industry bottlenecks encountered in 10 years ago, Chinese home appliance industry Has also been staged . While domestic brands Haier concrete mixer machine the best answer. As early as ten years ago.In home appliances growing homogenization circumstances, decisive from " prices and " and "service"The middle selection of the service , and innovation put forward the " free service " mode.

Remove the bolt its own weight

China 's northernmost Mohe County , the annual level Average temperature -5 ℃. Even in April, when the spring , Mohe is still cold of minus 20-degree
, Bleak , wind up to eight . SD52-5 in China 's northernmost Mohe County, industrial Test , the validation staff long-term tracking verification , because SD52-5 bulky, body weight, while the right side Final Drive has three times the damage to be overhauled repaired. Concrete mixing plants shortage and lack of basic labor Installation, repair and maintenance operations very difficult. The face of difficulties , validate effective teamwork , with the most rudimentary Equipment, such as rods , nuts, etc. , precast concrete plant air gun made a tool to solve the problem of removing the bolt ; With loaders, excavators exploded instead of driving ...... in the process , at least 60-80 tons The press, but subject to conditions , can only rely on manpower to solve all , so often there will be a few people Hanging in the air , by its own weight Remove the bolt scenes.

With concrete mixing plant

Top City for the introduction of this continuous gradation concrete mixing building products , concrete machinery strategies that Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant of the product - gravel shaping system , through the raw material crushing, shaping, sieve Points , standardized aggregate particle shape , particle size, to produce a continuous gradation , structured aggregate grain shape of a high standard To achieve a " minimum clearance " principle to ensure consistent quality of concrete under the premise , to achieve Concrete aggregate maximum density ; in improving strength and ready mix concrete plant reducing the cement and The material costs of water . Continuous gradation mixing floor as compared with conventional concrete production , production per cubic Meters of cement used in concrete can save about 50-100 kg , for any one concrete manufacturing company, This is definitely a blessing.

Effectively improve the homogeneity of concrete

At the same time , using the second vote Feeding method, which is to put cement, sand , water, admixtures, after a few seconds short stirring, then put Aggregate grain stone, so that does not affect the mixing time of the premise, effectively improve the homogeneity of the concrete . Concrete batching plant analysis of experimental data , the use of continuous gradation mixing concrete floor production , relative to traditional mixing
Stop the production of concrete , at least 50% strength , 3m3 actual production efficiency mixer 210m3 / h, far beyond the theoretical mixing plant productivity 180m3 / h.50-100 kg per precast concrete plant of concrete saving cement consumption and production efficiency of 30m3 per hour Such a big lead, mean -mixed concrete companies will compete in the generous amount pouring in good stead .

Superior Concrete Machinery

China Construction Machinery Concrete batching plant, concrete machinery, construction of the sets of the system Put into operation , to achieve environmental protection, energy conservation , and promote the harmonious development of trade and human , with When the production of concrete to bring the most advanced technology industry as a whole , for the concrete industry has Role in promoting the launch of the device , can greatly improve the production efficiency of the concrete , the new technology Can make the concrete production process more environmentally friendly, concrete mix plant continuously graded buildings built, representing mixed Concrete progress in the manufacturing industry , but also represents admixture materials research, especially research further.

Constitute the main material of cement concrete

Data show that China is the world's annual new construction of the largest countries in each of the two billion square meters
New area , Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant 40% of the world consumption of cement and steel , but only last 25-30 years.In contrast, a much longer life expectancy in developed countries the building , such as the UK , the average life expectancy of 132 buildings Years, the U.S. life expectancy reached 74 years of construction . On the other hand , the main material constituting the cement concrete ,Is also facing serious challenges : precast concrete plant firing mainly in large formation of limestone and clay ,Every produce 1 ton of cement , it produces nearly one ton of carbon dioxide in the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases , about
5% from cement production .


Continuous gradation concrete mixing plant

Hardening of the concrete is a chemical reaction , the city on the city and the depth of cooperation, with the solidification of concrete with different Song co-workers of the Department - Today , the use of continuous gradation concrete mixing plant to produce quality and life Both record-breaking performance concrete, successfully resolved the development of the industry for many years constraints of technical problems And Concrete batching plant of cement consumption , reducing environmental pollution.Makes the world's largest concrete machinery equipment manufacturers stand after 20 years of development, has become
Chinese construction machinery enterprises and ranked sixth in the world of construction machinery manufacturer. In concrete machinery Developed areas , to science and technology to lead the industry trend of technological development , and its products 80 m concrete pump And 101 m pump , batch mixing plant the Guinness World Record for the world's longest boom pump certification, Akira Were of the " Chinese wisdom made " charm.


Reduce the manufacturer's channel inputs

From Consumer's perspective, the first concern is usually the process of consumption market after service, product quality Volume and improved services to improve consumer satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn will affect the product
Sales , stimulate product sales market.
Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant is the agency survival of the soil . Agents are manufacturers and customers to maintain the bridge , and with passenger Users communicate directly reduce the manufacturer's channel inputs. Manufacturers and dealers cooperation is to ensure that services and When effective , increase market share, credibility and effective means . Agents develop in line with market demand Differences in business strategy and precast concrete plant manufacturers and customers, which will in the market after the occupation and expansion Large target market and achieve agents , manufacturers and customers win-win situation.

Compensation for service

Compensation for service. The current industry trend is from the engineering machinery and equipment maintenance steering periodic maintenance ,Repair and maintenance of both, maximizing extend equipment life , adding value to our customers through service. 2 Stationary conacrete plant leasing market is facing great opportunities : First, mechanical equipment required for the works Prepare varieties increased , shorter duration , lease equipment costs than enterprises occupy low ; Second , leasing can avoid Free introduction and use of new equipment due cycles technical risks ; Third, concrete mixer machine the enterprise week Turn more flexible, while avoiding the effects of inflation , reducing investment risk.

Construction machinery and equipment market

The implementation of macro-control policies , the secondary market liberalization and increasing user needs , used construction machinery Market has developed rapidly , the product has gradually diversified . Stationary conacrete plant so companies need to use More and more construction machinery , used machinery as a supplement to the market , enabling engineering machinery and equipment Markets and capital market, and reduce the construction unit input costs and shorten the payback time , batch mixing plant Reported rate , fully meet customer needs. Leasing market with two mobile service and sales markets are complementary The . On the one hand the secondary market is an important exit property leasing company sites, is disposal of leasehold engineering machine Mechanical equipment, the main place ; hand lessor mobile phone market in the two objects compare disposal of leasehold Easy, leasing companies for two mobile phone market is also an inexpensive supply base .

The formation of the advantages of sustainable development

This is an industry expert on the industry Advice. In fact , the current construction machinery industry bottlenecks encountered in 10 years ago, Chinese home appliance industry Has also been staged . While domestic brands Haier give the industry the best answer.Concrete mixing plants ten years ago.In home appliances growing homogenization circumstances, decisive from " prices and " and "service"The middle selection of the service , and innovation put forward the " free service " mode. However, in the years after the Today, the " service charge " is quietly rising and a trend . You will find in the market to buy a large number of Electric start marked the price to buy one year's service , two years of service price. Appliance industry from using "free Fee services " to attract consumers gradually shift to the user to accept the" fee-based services , "and this process took 10 years. precast concrete plant economic competition in the market of another product for enterprises from other A dimension of creating value . Western countries have consumers ' service needs to pay "awareness And valuable "service" so that the value of corporate services staff to agree to form a good signal, Effectively promote the healthy development of business and industry .

"Free service" model

 Construction machinery industry has entered the era of service competition , the quality of services related to business life and death exist Death , foreign countries such as Germany, Belgium ,Concrete batching plant the United States, some well-known construction machinery enterprises are invariably Has a powerful and complete industrial chain, marketing, and after-sales service and other sectors to build a good Profit model , the formation of the advantages of sustainable development , it is worth learning . "This is an industry expert on the industry Advice. In fact , precast concrete plant construction machinery industry bottlenecks encountered in 10 years ago, Chinese home appliance industry Has also been staged . While domestic brands Haier give the industry the best answer. As early as ten years ago.In home appliances growing homogenization circumstances, decisive from " prices and " and "service"The middle selection of the service , and innovation put forward the " free service " mode.

Particle shape is polygonal cube

The production of fine sand , the particle shape is polygonal cube, good bite , can effectively improve the mix Concrete strength ; particle number distribution, grading and stability. As raw material clean, clay content can be achieved Exemption .Stationary conacrete plant of fine gravel , the Dan Ziqiang  than the ordinary high pumping pressure loss, Slump of concrete can be smaller. Each side C30 concrete pumping water saving 7 kg , cement 14 km Pounds ; its super good shape , small abrasion on equipment , mixers, tankers, pump and other equipment of wearing parts Prolong life for 1/ 3 of the time , concrete mixer machine significant savings in maintenance time and costs. For the concrete Enterprises , fine sand and gravel production for own consumption , stable quality , no longer as raw material quality is poor, unstable Given problem and headache


consistent quality of concrete

Bearing strength and durability of concrete indicators main material is sand and gravel aggregate , and aggregate level with the "minimum Gap "principle in order to achieve less the amount of cement and sand , especially in high-performance high-speed rail Concrete applications, reducing the amount of cement , but will increase the durability of the concrete really achieve
Century life standards.
Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant introduction of this continuous gradation concrete mixing building products , concrete machinery strategies that Core component of the product - gravel shaping system , through the raw material crushing, shaping, sieve Points , standardized aggregate particle shape , particle size, to produce a continuous gradation , structured aggregate grain shape of a high standard To achieve a " minimum clearance " batch mixing plant ensure consistent quality of concrete under the premise , to achieve Concrete aggregate maximum density ; in improving strength and durability while reducing the cement and
The material costs of water . Continuous gradation mixing floor as compared with conventional concrete production , production per cubic Meters of cement used in concrete can save about 50-100 kg , for any one concrete manufacturing company, This is definitely a blessing.

Remove the bolt scenes of its own weight

Construction machinery construction work environment is more severe , than the sparsely populated remote mountainous areas, is the architectural Construction sites, landfills, and other national key projects , focusing on models, verification teams adhere to long Phase tracking verification, room and board are located in the device test site . China 's northernmost Mohe County , the annual level Average temperature -5 ℃. Concrete mixing plants, when the spring , Mohe is still cold of minus 20-degree, Bleak , wind up to eight . SD52-5 in China 's northernmost Mohe County, industrial Test , the validation staff long-term tracking verification , because SD52-5 bulky, body weight, while the right side Final Drive has three times the damage to be overhauled repaired. Fieldwork electricity shortage and lack of basic labor Installation, repair and maintenance operations very difficult. The face of difficulties , validate effective teamwork , with the most rudimentary Equipment, such as rods , nuts, etc. , instead of air gun made ​​a tool to solve the problem of removing the bolt ; With loaders, excavators exploded instead of driving  precast concrete plant , at least 60-80 tons The press, but subject to conditions , can only rely on manpower to solve all , so often there will be a few people Hanging in the air , by its own weight Remove the bolt scenes.

Remove the bolt problem

 China 's northernmost Mohe County , the annual level Average temperature -5 ℃. Even in April, when the spring , Mohe is still cold of minus 20-degree
, Bleak , wind up to eight . SD52-5 in China 's northernmost Mohe County, industrial Test , the validation staff long-term tracking verification , because SD52-5 bulky, body weight, while the right side Final Drive has three times the damage to be overhauled repaired. Concrete batching plant shortage and lack of basic labor Installation, repair and maintenance operations very difficult. The face of difficulties , validate effective teamwork , with the most rudimentary Equipment, such as rods , nuts, etc. , instead of air gun made ​​a tool to solve the problem of removing the bolt ; concrete mix plant, excavators exploded instead of driving ...... in the process , at least 60-80 tons The press, but subject to conditions , can only rely on manpower to solve all , so often there will be a few people Hanging in the air , by its own weight Remove the bolt scenes.

construction machinery industry, an important part of research and development system

Machine authentication as the construction machinery industry, an important part of research and development system , including the whole experimental verification , a few According to the information collection, the test vehicle maintenance, test vehicle problems improved machine performance testing and other work .Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant to build the domestic first-class , world-leading research and development platform, an important part of research and development on improving the body Department of construction, vigorously implement the strategy of science and technology enterprises , the development of products with independent intellectual property rights , to play
Crucial role.
Construction machinery construction work environment is more severe , than the sparsely populated remote mountainous areas, is the architectural Construction sites, landfills, and other national key projects , focusing on models, verification teams adhere to long Phase concrete mixer machine, room and board are located in the device test site . China 's northernmost Mohe County , the annual level Average temperature -5 ℃. Even in April, when the spring , Mohe is still cold of minus 20-degree, Bleak , wind up to eight .

Construction machinery industry bottlenecks encountered

While domestic brands Haier give the industry the best answer. As early as ten years ago.In home appliances growing homogenization circumstances, decisive from " prices and " and "service"The middle selection of the service , and innovation put forward the " free service " mode. precast concrete plant the years after the Today, the " service charge " is quietly rising and a trend . You will find in the market to buy a large number of Electric start marked the price to buy one year's service , two years of service price. Appliance industry from using "free
Fee services " to attract consumers gradually shift to the user to accept the" fee-based services , "and this process took 10 years. "Service" into economic competition in the market of another product for enterprises from other A dimension of creating value . Concrete mixing plants have consumers ' service needs to pay "awareness And valuable "service" so that the value of corporate services staff to agree to form a good signal, Effectively promote the healthy development of business and industry .

construction machinery industry trend of future competition

After the construction machinery market has broad commercial potential , but also the construction machinery industry trend of future competition. " Construction machinery industry has entered the era of service competition , the quality of services related to business life and death exist Death , foreign countries such as Germany, Belgium , Stationary conacrete plant the United States, some well-known construction machinery enterprises are invariably Has a powerful and complete industrial chain, marketing, and after-sales service and other sectors to build a good Profit model , the formation of the advantages of sustainable development , it is worth learning . "This is an industry expert on the industry Advice. In fact , the current stationary concrete batching plant industry bottlenecks encountered in 10 years ago, Chinese home appliance industry Has also been staged . While domestic brands Haier give the industry the best answer.

construction machinery industry is characterized by

Two phone services and sales of construction machinery industry is characterized equipment versatility, along with countries in recent years The implementation of macro-control policies , the secondary market liberalization and increasing user needs , used construction machinery Concrete batching plant rapidly , the product has gradually diversified . Projects increased so companies need to use More and more construction machinery , used machinery as a supplement to the market , enabling engineering machinery and equipment Markets and capital market, and reduce the construction unit input costs and shorten the payback time , improve back Reported rate , fully meet customer needs. Leasing market with two mobile service and sales markets are complementary The . On the one hand the secondary market is an important exit property leasing concrete mix plant, is disposal of leasehold engineering machine Mechanical equipment, the main place ; hand lessor mobile phone market in the two objects compare disposal of leasehold Easy, leasing companies for two mobile phone market is also an inexpensive supply base.


Multi-channel distribution distribution box should be marked

By the relevant departments of audit and technical director for approval and implementation.  distribution room (chamber), transformers and other electrical equipment located fixed barriers or safety mesh fence, height of not less than 2.5m, should set clear prohibition, warning signs, signs of the production and installation should follow the "Railway safe and civilized construction project site sign "- Iron ban 5, Tiejing 1 and 16 requirements.  Stationary conacrete plant with the existing temporary power "construction site temporary electrical safety technical specifications" (JGJ46) requirements. Project dedicated power neutral point directly grounded 220/380V low voltage electrical systems must be used to protect access to zero TN-S system, and to do three power distribution protection and two "one machine, one box a gate-drain."  Power operating personnel must be certified, according to batch mixing plant worn properly, the use of labor protection products. multi-channel distribution distribution box should be marked, distribution box should gates, locks, a water-resistant measures, steel switch box must be grounded. All electrical equipment must be complete, no damage, good performance. You must use the installation.

Mixing tube off the power

Mixing equipment should be installed smoothly, there is zero protection grounding, maintenance personnel into the mixing tube, cut off the power lock switch boxes, hand care;Concrete mixing plants in the hopper rises, no one working under the hopper and walking, cleaning feeding pit when the hopper chain hanging buckle securely; hopper insurance-linked using normal; transmission parts are shielded solid operating platform.Temporary power shall prepare construction design temporary power to determine the power line, the total distribution box, distribution box location and orientation of the line for load calculation, select transformer capacity and wire cross-section, precast concrete plant safe use of electricity Technical measures and electrical fire prevention measures. By the relevant departments of audit and technical director for approval and implementation.

Mixing station batching machine equipment flat and slope settings

Select the size according to project the number of bulk cement storage tanks, the bulk cement by different manufacturers, varieties, label, lot of cans saved.  use of fly ash storage silo.  Stationary conacrete plant in a hierarchical storage, coarse and fine aggregates shall be stored in the passing zone and area to be tested, with the wall separating wall height of not less than 2m, shall not be mixed positions in a variety of materials and the use of cement mortar surface, the positions of the slope of the ground set, not water. And set explicit signs, signs of the production and installation shall comply with "safe and civilized railway construction project site sign" - Iron identify six requirements.  including hopper and wood, including all additional storage space must be light steel roof, steel roof bagging line height 7m.  stationary concrete batching plant storage yard aggregate washing areas should be set one-way drainage slope; feeding channel should be combined with mixing station batching equipment parameters for flat and slope settings.  should be required to carry aggregate material quality inspection status identification, identity includes material name, origin, size, quantity, feeding time, inspection status, the test report number, test batch and so on.

Green concrete construction needs

 Mixing station tooling equipment configuration (1) satisfy non-ballasted track railway passenger line concrete construction needs. (2) meet the company on the establishment of standardized technical conditions for concrete mixing station.
mixing station's main venue should be concrete hardening, hardening capacity venue to meet operational requirements. Concrete mixing plants according surrounded by low, the center of high principles, surface drainage slope of not less than 1.5%, the venue shall be installed around drains, gutters bottom using cement mortar plastering. Part of the appropriate regional office and living green.  shall sump, settling ponds and ready mix concrete plant ponds into the field area planning, factory designed, constructed and put into use. Forbidden to station wastewater directly discharged.

Laboratory scale to meet peak concrete

Laboratory scale to meet peak concrete and raw materials inspection and test requirements. Concrete mixing plants sector applications or color steel brick walls, metal fences, some closed material stacking area, mixing area, work area, mixing station road should be hardened. Where heavy traffic road hardening thickness not smaller than 20cm (numerals not less than C20), local areas should be arranged in small bars. The mixing station are set electronically controlled gates, gates column using brick, column mixing station stop sign hanging on. All measuring instruments must be calibrated and Technical Supervision. Station configuration control room air conditioners, computers, printers, telephones, screen monitoring system. Summer construction, precast concrete plant be water-cooling equipment. Coarse and fine aggregate required inspection area erection color solid color steel skeleton anti-canopy. Mixing station must be configured over 300kw standby generator.

Production capacity mixer

Mixing station as a whole should adopt the mixer with batching machine combination, Concrete mixing plants recommend using HZS series concrete mixing station. Right track plate field and RPC concrete stations should use vertical shaft planetary mixer, spiral beam field should adopt the dual high-performance concrete with and rail twin-shaft mixer with high requirements, the small size of the place can be used mixing. Mixing station installation should pay attention to layout, structural stability, ready mix concrete plant the efficiency of concrete production and transport efficiency. The mixer capacity to meet the needs of production tasks, mixer measurement accuracy to meet the relevant technical conditions.


Concrete hollow blocks

Concrete products production technology and equipment: Concrete hollow blocks, ceramic, perlite hollow blocks, fly ash blocks production technology and equipment. Prestressed concrete hollow floor, roof, wall molding equipment; GRC composite wall panels, lightweight aggregate concrete slats production technology and equipment, concrete tile and molding equipment;
Concrete batching plant separation equipment, mixing station, batching station, automatic control system; concrete mixer truck, pump, pump and ancillary products; pumping machinery, fabrics machinery, injection machinery, casting equipment, measuring equipment; paving machinery, vibration equipment , concrete crushing equipment, asphalt concrete mixing.
New Architecture Board sets of technology and equipment: prefabricated exterior insulation panels, decorative gypsum board, stationary concrete batching plant composite wallboard production technology and equipment; wood and plant fiber decorative panels, wall panels set of technologies and equipment; plastic composite board complete technology and equipment.
Building insulation materials, production technology and equipment: glass wool, rock wool, ceramic and other insulation materials production technology and complete sets of equipment; polyurethane, polystyrene, rubber foam insulation sheet production technology and equipment.

Dry mortar production equipment

Dry mortar production equipment, dry mortar construction equipment, mixers, drying equipment, packaging machines, control systems, metering equipment, mortar flow irrigation, mortar spraying equipment, Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant, pumping equipment, multi-layer screening machine, gas Floating system with floating piece control system, dry mortar carrier, back tanker, engineering technology and equipment; waterproof, repair, precast concrete plant, maintenance and other surface protection technology equipment.
Chemical raw materials, sealing and bonding materials: pigments, glazes, chemical additives and sealant, heat sealing tape and adhesives.

asphalt concrete mixing

Concrete hollow blocks, ceramic, perlite hollow blocks, fly ash blocks production technology and equipment. Concrete batching plant concrete hollow floor, roof, wall molding equipment; GRC composite wall panels, lightweight aggregate concrete slats production technology and equipment, concrete tile and molding equipment; concrete recycling separation equipment, mixing plant, batching station, automatic control system; concrete mixer truck, pump, pump and ancillary products; pumping machinery, fabrics machinery, injection machinery, casting equipment, measuring equipment; batch mixing plant, vibration equipment, concrete crushing equipment, asphalt concrete mixing.

Dry mortar production equipment

Dry mortar production equipment, dry mortar construction equipment, mixers, drying equipment, packaging machines, control systems, metering equipment, mortar flow irrigation, Concrete mixing plants equipment, mixing pulp machine, pumping equipment, multi-layer screening machine, gas Floating system with floating piece control system, dry mortar carrier, back tanker, engineering technology and equipment; waterproof, repair, adhesive sealing, precast concrete plant and other surface protection technology equipment.
Chemical raw materials, sealing and bonding materials: pigments, glazes, chemical additives and sealant, heat sealing tape and adhesives.

Concrete block generally consists of concrete mixing equipment

Aerated concrete block equipment generally consists of concrete mixer, block making, maintenance and block stacking blocks and other components. As the scale of production block production line and supporting the different levels of the host and ancillary equipment vary widely, so build block factory should be based on production, investment and other factors, a reasonable choice of production equipment. Stationary conacrete plant is the host block production line, this section focuses on the type of block making machines talk about the view. Some people say that the block making machine hydraulic mechanical transmission machine than good, not only the vibration still pressurized molding. This argument is mainly due to the hydraulic molding machine, molding pressure and vibration block forming the vibration system is not yet understood. Take U.S. Bessel produced BH3-1-molding machine, vibration molding hydraulic ram cylinder valve has been reduced by approximately 0.5Mpa, ready mix concrete plant with pressure head with the mold box The synchronous vibration compacting concrete in decline, this time in a low-pressure cylinder head floating state, it is impossible exert great pressure. In addition, if the vibration is applied great pressure molding, vibration loads equal to a substantial increase in the amplitude will be greatly attenuated the vibration vibration system is not up.

Rigid concrete mixture

Molding machine vibration system in the design and calculation of vibration parameters, select vibration motor power to be considered when the vibration loads including blocks, the quality of the mold box and head for Taiwan vibration molding machine vibration table should also include quality, but generally without considering the additional pressure applied. Concrete mixing plants hydraulic or mechanical drive making machine, block molding mainly by vibrating the material dense. Concrete mixture according to the thixotropic effect to vibration phenomenon, can be relatively small pressure, the shorter time to obtain dense, so block vibration molding pressure head required to exert pressure on the concrete. Our block machine standard indenter pressure on the upper surface of block value should be greater than 0.02Mpa, foreign to the dry concrete mixes pressurized value of approximately 0.015Mpa, too much pressure will prevent the stationary concrete batching plant granule vibration, impact block density results. Pressurizing the above value, the general block machine head pressure produced to meet weight requirements, particularly the pressure head is set in the vibrator, the vibration compacting effect is better than static.

Concrete Technology and Equipment Exhibition

Concrete Technology and Equipment Exhibition is a branch of China Construction Industry Association and Shanghai Zhongyi Concrete batching plant Co., Ltd. jointly organized the exhibition gathered many powerful suppliers demonstrate concrete equipment and related products, providing the latest technologies and services. Organizers of the exhibition with many years of rich experience in the organization will conduct a strong promotional efforts to attract from concrete, cement, gravel, mining, road, rail, water, construction, metallurgy, chemical industry and other related industries in charge of engineering and technical personnel and trade buyers, for the majority of professionals to provide innovative products and technology solutions. By then, buyers and suppliers will gather one, in an interactive business environment and industry peers in key technologies, exhibitors will get an excellent opportunity to expand their business. We focus on concrete technology and precast concrete plant to promoting business exchanges and cooperation with users, technology and equipment for the global concrete manufacturers set image display, branding, marketing and communication powerful platform, suppliers and buyers can not miss event .


concrete machinery will still have beautiful spring

Chinese construction machinery proved nearly a decade of development, China is a wise man has the power, the Chinese people can in the basic components and similar products for excavators and other big catch and beyond. Stationary conacrete plant industry enterprises united, entrepreneurs play to their wisdom and creativity, and jump out from the confines of a small circle, the overall situation, unity and strength of the industry the majority of SMEs, concrete machinery will still have a good spring, if these Entrepreneurs will set off waves of these uncivilized competition, not only stationary concrete batching plant laugh, but also sad decline of our industry, will be ruined because of the excellent situation in your hands. Do not forget, this is not the next 100 years to replace the building materials (concrete) always make concrete machinery Huan issued eternal youth.

Concrete Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers

World's top three manufacturers of concrete machinery equipment, compared with domestic enterprises in product performance, manufacturing process level, management level and so have the obvious advantage. "From the company's strategic point of view, the Union must complete this acquisition. Global ranking third business, sell it, it's not all industries will be there, not all companies can encounter opportunity. Stabilized Soil Mixing Plant competitors, Vanda will be faced with the entire industry structure is two concepts for the Union, the acquisition of CIFA, will directly become the world leader in the area of ??concrete machinery. "Sun Changjun recalls. Facts have proved, in conjunction with CIFA obvious synergies. In the sales network, in conjunction with domestic-based and Europe-based CIFA complementary; Brand, the dual-brand to meet different customer needs; procurement costs, both the scale of procurement to reduce costs; technical aspects of the product,ready mix concrete plant the technological level of Vanda; in product manufacturing, the production capacity will promote joint CIFA huge scale and simultaneous growth of profits, CIFA possess high-end manufacturing capacity in Europe will enhance the level of technology across the enterprise.

Chinese concrete machinery industry, a powerful

Concrete machinery construction machinery in China's position in the possession of well-known, it is not only the international mergers and reorganization of the three well-known large enterprises, and its technical strength and economic dividends but also to other industries envy, become the world's real concrete machinery big and strong. This is because the country's reform and opening up a good environment for the excellent development platform, but also because Chinese entrepreneurs combine Concrete batching plant characteristics of the actual design, creating a solid and reliable product fatigue, coupled with a variety of business models, won the China and the world market recognition. Chinese concrete machinery industry, powerful precisely because "China opportunity" for us to create an excellent condition, this is a historical necessity. Nor can we forget that we are the winner, not only to foreigners holding a high-end brand recognition products belittles himself. Because the domestic brands of concrete mechanical properties of both advanced, with the reliability and functionality of the adaptive parameter has crossed many foreign brands, and in practice has been verified. China currently has a lot of high-end technology leader in the world, had caused the world to see Tim mesh phase. Therefore, concrete machinery industry Adverse events are still controllable and not past the bridge, and to those who can catch, effort and enterprise of the entrepreneur's excess funds, capacity development transformed into basic components up, if the engine, transmission parts , hydraulic parts, controllers, etc. concrete mixer machine and hope that some of the more high-tech mergers and acquisitions base parts enterprises, so that talent is not cause for genuine dedication to the respect by the industry, or do another big, also foreign parts assembly plant, you then also for foreigners thinking ahead advertise products for foreigners to reap high profits, have to let outsiders look down on humble self, it should not be that we pursue and declared dyed purposes.

standard mixing truck

Mixing truck national standard has been implemented for many years, it is the determination of the parameters is basically carried out in accordance with international common practice equivalent formulation, some projects were also in accordance with national conditions improve.
However, the reality of the past 10 years shows that the concrete mixer truck is not effective implementation of national standards most of construction machinery, Concrete mixing plants quality and safety of the transportation process are not properly guaranteed. Dozens of manufacturers produce mixer truck, concrete is not able to guarantee deliveries of segregation, whether generated or excessive bleeding detection and stir yet defined, concrete projects can guarantee the quality, but also the lack of final inspection. The durability of concrete indicators are able to achieve it is worrying.
Country more than two hundred thousand units mixer truck in the safe operation aspects, more serious. Driving stability greatly affected, because the increase in the total mass of the heavy travel speed is constant, a geometric inertia force multiplier, making the car's steering and braking force seriously out of control, urban construction vehicles in concrete mixer machine , mixer accounted for first place, many drivers become taken advantage of this equipment and the victim. Root cause lies in the so-called manufacturers to meet the user's requirements, and seek maximum sales resulting design is not standardized. National Standards Authority of concrete machinery Standards Committee Chairman Ren Longguo kin emotionally said: "Almost 100% of the enterprise product standard will not really law refractory masses" are seeking ways of governance.

Internal testing by testing concrete machinery

This is basic common sense, not to mention the various enterprises of different product positioning is not, as in the choice of parameters, the size of the pumping pressure distribution, configuration varies, cost is not the same, some specializing in long arm, some specializing in high- lift distance, some specializing in high-performance, Concrete batching plant in high reliability, how more than a few products only in the models, specifications of the choice of the enterprise is difficult to unity, why must we go to the strengths of their products than other people's so-called "short board" mean? So to be truly scientific and rational, there must be a professional appraisal team, we reached consensus on the content of the contest when possible. Of course, within the enterprise through pilot testing to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each enterprise products to improve their level is possible, normal. However, in a test of public occasions business model in the world market is also extremely rare. I hope the industry exclusive concrete mixer machine organized similar events do not happen again. To ensure that the industry ecosystem health and sustainable development. Do not leave the industry to do a troublemaker infamy.

Concrete Machinery same model same enterprise

Modern construction machinery are highly personalized products because vendors to users, the extent and depth of the market needs to understand the difference, the service concept of difference, product design, manufacturing, there will be a lot of difference, just by One two-hour test of the merits of a product to be obtained, only that the product was neither party hosted professional, they do not know they are not comparable nature. Stationary conacrete plant machinery, even if the same company in the same model, the same specifications of the product, just pumping concrete cylinder piston installation differences, it will make running resistance and productivity changes, will produce different energy and productivity, This is basic common sense, not to mention the various enterprises of different product positioning is not, as in the choice of parameters, the size of the pumping pressure distribution, configuration varies, cost is not the same, some specializing in long arm, some specializing in high- lift distance, some specializing in stationary concrete batching plant, some specializing in high reliability, how more than a few products only in the models, specifications of the choice of the enterprise is difficult to unity, why must we go to the strengths of their products than other people's so-called "short board" mean? So to be truly scientific and rational, there must be a professional appraisal team, we reached consensus on the content of the contest when possible.

concrete machinery will be more "good" tomorrow

At present a lot of information that eighteen subsequent four modernizations in urbanization will serve as one of the priorities for future development. The interpretation of urbanization varied, yet saw containing scientific integrity. Many view remains in the climax of urbanization is the advent of real estate, or the pulling force of the economy . Concrete batching plant the country after the introduction of five still rising; Chinese cement production increased every year, reaching 2.5 billion tons, the total world 60%. And each local government introduced macroeconomic development planning, but also shows the concrete machinery will be more "OK" tomorrow. Thus far in excess of production capacity of the concrete machinery industry, as well as new partners join, there is still much money reinvested. Behind this wonderful expectation showing faint fear of vicious competition. As continues to be the concrete mix plant community will eventually find some forces had been wrongly sanctioned excuse. Therefore, the economic analysts and entrepreneurs in the field do not misread the current concrete machinery industry development prospects. To see our industry arising from excessive consumption serious risks. To look cool behind the prosperity of uncertainty, or the need to constantly revise strategic business development.

electric drive dozer control mode

Developed through a variety of conditions lubricated track job performance verification, to fill the gap; establish wholly-dimensional digital design technology systems, new product development cycle time by 30%, speed new products to market faster; complete electric drive bulldozer control mode and strategic technology research eight subjects; Concrete batching plant and most intelligent "open gods push" SD90-5 bulldozer debut Bauma Shanghai successfully demonstrated the technology, research and development, production and other areas of strength, and was awarded the China Engineering Mechanical Product of the Year TOP50 (2013) Technical Innovation Award; planning application 863 research projects.
Involving the whole match, electro-hydraulic control, compaction machinery, remote control, new transmission structure, etc., joint construction machinery cutting-edge research. stationary concrete batching plant trash compactor SR33YR, China's first high-power Bulldozer SD52-5, Eleventh Five-Year Science and Technology Support Program-SD10YE full hydraulic bulldozer and other new products are from, these products are widely applied to new technologies, new materials and a number of patented technologies, products reached domestic leading level, the main technical indicators have reached the international level.