
mixing two practical

Practical real-time data management system to save mixing station production data. With a strong combination of queries and a variety of report output, automatic printing delivery notes.
Practical Slump Slump practical monitoring system monitoring system according to the displayed mixer concrete mixer machine, the operator can visually determine the slump of concrete.
Intermittent structural characteristics of cement concrete mixing station
Silo bottom discharge opening large warehouse is not expected to bagging (silos without vibrator), concrete mixer machine, feed less time to produce a car once feeding concrete cylinder movement frequency, long service life.
Silo feeding bucket to measure how much of the ingredients does not affect accuracy.
Ingredients time and rise time into one silo to the weighing hopper feeding time is short, batching time and enhance long time. Sufficient stability so that the sensor response time, small overshoot ingredients, improve load is small.
Strong pull belt speed using a computer, the inverter control, soft start and stop, the impact is small, less belt sticky material. Various aggregates in the base of the fixed period of time, mixing, to enhance the load evenly.
Using inverter, in a relatively short period of time to achieve high accuracy ingredients.

